helping people
help themselves

2022-2023 Annual report

honoring our history,
transforming our future

Let’s celebrate the past year of
transformative work in our community.



letter from leadership


what we do


Who we serve


our partnerships




our team


Save the Date!


thank you to our donors



letters from leadership


what we do


Who we serve


our partnerships




our team


Save the Date!


Thank you
to our donors

01 - Letters from Leadership
Group of graduates.Child doing school work.

honoring our history,
our future.

a note from our board president

Over 50 years ago, the shared commitment of the Protestant, Jewish and Catholic community leaders formed ProJeCt with a mission that is still relevant today.

Their desire to build a better community guides ProJeCt today as we continue to embrace their mission to help our community by offering educational, work, and life skills that allow people to achieve their goals and improve their lives.  

In 2023, more than 5,000 children and adults participated in our programs, learning life skills, earning their GED, building English language skills and building their school learning.

Thank you for supporting ProJeCt of Easton through your donations, your volunteer hours and your presence at our events each year.

Your generosity allows us to serve our communities, offering guidance, care, and skills to provide opportunity for so many.  Through you, we continue to be a place where people have hope and opportunity.

Thank you,

Sharon Difelice

a note from our executive director

Shortly after this fiscal year ended, I emerged as the new Executive Director of this wonderful organization. Over the past seven months, I have had the opportunity to meet with constituents; rebuild relationships with community partners; work with other non-profit leaders to discuss issues our communities are facing; and gratefully, learn the rich history of this organization.

Whenever there is a transition in leadership, people naturally wonder what is going to change.  

ProJeCt was formed out of a desire to build a better community by helping people help themselves through innovative programs. Education has and will continue to be the cornerstone of this organization. We have seen first-hand the impact education has on breaking the cycle of poverty. This will not change.

The Board of Directors and staff are strategically planning to expand our programs so we can serve more people, more families and more children. The need is growing. Poverty is rising.

One of my passions is studying leadership.  In the words of renowned leadership expert, John C. Maxwell, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”  Leadership can make or break an organization.  It can cause an organization to grow or to stand stagnant. Because of this, we are focusing on bringing in leaders who have a passion for this work and a track record of successful leadership.

We are concentrating on developing our remarkable staff on functioning as a successful team and providing the tools and skills to work collaboratively. We have carefully set our core values and non-negotiables to be the building block for future leaders within this organization.

Aligned with building our leaders and our overarching theme of transformation, we've, for the first time, asked each of our directors to articulate their individual experiences and enthusiasm for the future throughout this report.

The foundation is set, and we are ready to impact more lives by helping people help themselves.


Kim Checkeye
Paper cutout photo of Project Easton.
the foundation is set, and we are ready to impact more lives by helping people help themselves.
02 - what we do

Our Mission

ProJeCt of Easton's mission is to build a better community by helping people help themselves. We prepare people to succeed in work, school, and life by providing support and instruction in the skills needed to break the cycle of poverty and achieve their goals.
our staff, board of directors and volunteers are committed to

helping people
help themselves

a note from our DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS

2023 has been an exciting year for me at ProJeCt.  After 23 years as an educator with ProJeCt,  I eagerly accepted the position of Director of Programs.  ProJeCt is my passion, and I cherish its history in our community.  We welcomed a new Executive Director to our team and are extremely excited for new beginnings with our programs and fresh perspectives for our future.  

Our Adult Education and Family Literacy programs have thrived this year.  We had a beautiful graduation ceremony to celebrate many successes with our students. We continue to see our students return to visit and share how they are flourishing and creating better lives for themselves.  Our Food Pantry is continuing to support those in need due to truly amazing volunteers and a new food pantry case manager. We have supported more than 600 Easton Area School District students with life skills and personal development training. Our SIZZLE!® 2023 literacy summer camp was a big success, and we are already in the planning stages for 2024!

I truly love every day at ProJeCt.  Our staff, board of directors and volunteers are committed to helping people help themselves.  ProJeCt has positively impacted so many lives in our community and I am excited to see our new team continue to honor the past and transform the future of ProJeCt.


erin roman

our programs

ASSIST is an emergency support program that assists people who are facing homelessness or other emergencies. We conduct a comprehensive assessment of need and provide vouchers for financial assistance to eligible individuals and families, as well as information and referrals to a wide variety of community resources. 
SIZZLE!® is a free summer camp for  K-5 students in Easton Area School District. It addresses the “summer slide” with a goal of increasing or maintaining reading scores.  SIZZLE!® provides children with an academic intervention using high quality, evidence-based instruction aligned with the PA Academic Standards and provides a fun, developmentally-appropriate enrichment opportunity, enabling children to keep up with their peers and begin a new school year confidently.  
student success program
The Student Success Program (SSP) is a school-based life skills and mentoring program that follows Botvin LifeSkills® Training program, a nationally recognized curriculum, to help students cultivate the social and emotional skills necessary to handle challenging situations and stay engaged with school. SSP aims to promote health, wellness, resilience, and positive personal development in each student. ProJeCt is currently running SSP in collaboration with Easton Area School District.
family literacy
The Family Literacy program offers our students, who are also parents, the opportunity to improve their own literacy skills and learn how to become their child’s first and most important teacher. Their children learn critical early literacy skills and become better prepared for kindergarten while attending ProJeCt’s high-quality preschool for children ages 3 months-5 years old.
adult education
Our Adult Education program includes Adult Basic Education, GED preparation and testing, English as a Second Language instruction, and assistance with preparation for the U.S. Citizenship test. The programs are designed to meet the needs of all languages and literacy levels through one-on-one tutoring and classroom instruction. 
Food Pantry
ProJeCt’s Food Pantry has been a community cornerstone for over 30 years. The pantry aims to reduce food insecurity and increase food knowledge by providing high-quality, nutrient-dense food to low-income, at-risk adults, children, and seniors.
03 - who we serve

who we served

this year.
22-23 project easton

impact report

honoring our history,
transforming our future

our students come from 35 different countries

clients served

in our programs:

adult education
437 students enrolled in ged and/or esl classes
Family Literacy
41 families engaged in meaningful learning opportunities as a family
Food Pantry
4,186 people were provided with nutritious food
1,609 people were supported by our case managers
pounds of food distributed
k-5 students in
sizzle! program
6th grade students in student success PROGRAM
the biggest risk
In February 2021, I arrived at JFK Airport, New York. The flight was 7 hours from my country of Morocco. I was alone with my one-month-old son, and I was very scared. In the first month I found myself alone with a new baby. I did not know everything about taking care of him and there was no one to help me.  

My husband worked all day and I only called my mom and my sister to have them explain many things to me. When my husband and I would go to my child’s doctor, he would talk to me and ask me about my child. I would say to myself, “What is he talking about?”. I would not look at him and I would get distracted. After that, I realized that I had to learn English.  

In the first years I learned a few words at home, but I needed to study in a classroom. When I moved to Pennsylvania, I found ProJeCt of Easton. It was difficult for me to leave my son at daycare when he was only one year old. At first, I did not understand anything, but I have learned a lot.  I have benefited a lot at ProJeCt. Now I can go to the doctor, I can talk to my neighbors, and in the future, I can get a GED. Now I feel our our future in the States is brighter for me and my family.  
-Intermediate/Advanced English as a Second Language Student
04 - our partners

helping people
help themselves

a note from our director
of development

During my short tenure at ProJeCt of Easton, I have felt blessed to witness the depth and breadth of its prolific programming, helping people help themselves, throughout the Lehigh Valley. This concept, and witnessing its effectiveness, is profoundly simple, and simply profound. 

I look to enshrine a sense of stability to the fundraising function at ProJeCt, with my sights set on creating a respectable workplace environment, encouraging creativity and productivity, and creating sustainable funding streams with familiar faces and partners. 

Our fundraising success will ensure neither waiting lists for our myriad educational services, nor lines at our food pantry.  

Honoring our history, transforming our future will take each of us committing to helping people help themselves.  

It is a new day at ProJeCt, as we commit to fulfilling the dream of our founders, through collaboration and respect, with community partners, key stakeholders, donors, and dedicated staff. 

Please join me as we confidently move forward towards fulfilling the dream, and thank you for your continuing commitment to ProJeCt of Easton.  


keith lampman-Perlman
our partners in 2023
our partners in 2023
our partners in 2023
our partners in 2023
our partners in 2023

Words from
our volunteers

“It is beyond humbling to know that our students’ future success will impact not only themselves, but their families, and everyone whom they touch through the endeavors they pursue after obtaining their GED, and that because of ProJeCt, I could play some small role in helping to create these ripple effects.”

-cheryl s.   |   PROGRAM TUTOR
“One of my favorite parts of volunteering is being part of a team who works hard to help the community. I am one part of a whole that works hard to help this pantry thrive whether on donation days or shopping days. We all work hard to make sure it can work for the community.”
carol H.
Food Pantry Volunteer

stronger when we work together

a note from our DIRECTOR OF FINANCE

I started at ProJeCt as the Finance Manager in 2016 as a department of one. In 2020 I became the Director of Finance, and we began planning how to move our Finance and Administration Departments into the future by adding key staffing positions. This seemingly small step has proven to be a launch pad for ProJeCt’s advancement in efficiency, thoroughness, and technology. Over the past seven years, the operating budget for ProJeCt has grown by 12%, full-time staff positions increased by 55%, annual contributions increased by 58%, and total invested funds increased by 75% which has placed ProJeCt in a healthy financial position.  

The Finance and Administration departments have been working to implement improvements to our banking, payroll, and HR systems. The Finance department maintains a regular schedule of internal and external deadlines, complies with numerous government contracts, and works closely with program staff and the Finance Committee. Our accounting software has allowed us to improve upon a sophisticated system for managing restricted funding. This was crucial to our ability to apply for and utilize highly restricted funding during the pandemic, and beyond, to assist our clients and further ProJeCt’s mission.

In the most recently completed fiscal year, contributions were higher than in the previous year. We held fewer special events, but the ones we did have were more fruitful than expected. Our United Way and government contracts increased, and ProJeCt’s investments recovered from the pandemic-era downturn.

We have embarked on a mission to bring together ProJeCt’s staff at all levels, across the agency’s programs and its several buildings, and focus on what can make us stronger when we work together.


emery owens

a note from our DIRECTOR OF administration

When I’m called to a new position, I usually take time to watch and listen. During this time, I’m pondering two questions: 1) How can I use my talents, skills and abilities best to do the work and help others and 2) What challenges might I face that will have me explore, learn, and grow.  

I started the position as Director of Administration with ProJeCt in August 2023. While I was not part of the staff during the fiscal year, I have seen the wonderful work that’s been done to help students, children and families through our elaborate programs over the years. It is great to honor the past roads ProJeCt has traveled.  I am proud to have joined this team of so many talented individuals.  

Our mission to “Help People Help Themselves” is simple and has been accomplished beautifully in the community.

As the Director of Administration, one of my roles is to provide for, support, and develop the staff. I’m beginning to recognize and fill the skill gaps that are hindering staff members from being all that they can be.  We are starting to develop human resource skills to create an environment of collaboration and team focus to support a more stable workforce.  We have a vision of how much more ProJeCt can be and can do for the communities, and it will require a team approach.  I believe we are positioning ourselves to transform this organization and move our mission into more lives that need our services.

As we look to transform the organization, I’m also focusing on our infrastructure - the technological and facility resources we will need to do the work more efficiently and effectively.  

With Expectation,  

tanya dean
06 - our team

honoring our history,
transforming our future.

The project team

board of directors:
7/1/22 - 6/30/23
vice president
kim checkeye
07 - save the date!
project easton
proudly presents
april 10, 2024
now available!
Tricky Tray
by synergy twins
to learn more, contact Keith Lampman-Perlman
610.258.4361 ext. 25

Sponsorships for Simply Savory are now open! This presents a wonderful chance to promote your business while supporting our cause. Every contribution from this event directly fuels our programs, breaking down barriers and empowering our clients toward success.

08 - thank you to our donors
thanks to our clients, friends, partners, and project team for joining us on our journey.

We are immensely grateful to all donors, as each contribution, regardless of size, plays a crucial role in making a significant impact on our community.

$250-$499 Donors

3D Dance Studio
Marsha Abraham
Renee M. Amator
Gene Barr
Tara Bender
James A. Bidol
Patricia Bradt
Bright Hope Pregnancy Support Centers
Brother Karl H. Butz
Capital Genealogy
Carducci Salmento Charitable Fund
Theodore Cheung
Creative Closets Ltd.
CrossAmerica Partners
Lisa Daugherty
Carol Devlin
Karen Drake
Dumped Workers With A Purpose
Durham Evangelical Lutheran Church
Easton Aquatic Club
Easton Area School District
Easton Garden Works
H. Ellis Finger
David Fisher
Flow Serve
Harry A. Freebairn
John C. Freeman
Lorraine Fugere
Cary Giacalone
Eugene Giunta
Robert P. Glazer
Theresa Greenleaf
Bonnie Hall
William C. Heilman
Theresa Hogan
Thomas Hunt
Hunter Hill Farm CSA
IAFF Local 713
Anne Iglewski
J. Morgan Salon And Home
Keene Jabbour
R. Richard Knauss
James J. Kondikoff
Lafayette College
Lafayette College Farm
Lehigh Valley Health Network
Orthopedic Institute
Arnold Lichten
Daniel Longo
Natalie Mc Cabe
Susan McCutcheon
Jeffrey Mohler
Lisa Morano
Elizabeth Mulrine
JoAnn Nenow
Taffi Ney
Lyla Niyogi
Karen Oren
Our Lady Of Lebanon Catholic Church
PA Shakespeare Festival At DeSales
Robert L. Phillips
Trevor Pinho
Marsha S. Plantone
Marsha Proehl
Shirley Pysher
Qu Va Pharma
Laura Reifsnyder
Roseberry Family Dental PA
Thomas Rosenbauer
Susan D. Ruggles
ShopRite Of Hunterdon County, Inc.
Janet B. Snyder
Dawn Spaccarotella
St. John's Church On Morgan Hill
State Theatre
Roger E. Stricker
Strunk Funeral Home
The American Legion -  Brown & Lynch Post No. 9
The Hindu Temple & Hindu Youth Association
The Richard P Vinci Family Fund For Hope
Tomblers Home Bakery
U.S. Postal Service - Food Drive
Nora Updegrove Bivins
Lindsley D. Van der Veer
Joyce Welken Mary Wilford-Hunt
Wine Not Picnic
Kay (Katherine) Wolff

$500-$999 Donors

Mario Andretti
Campbell,  Rappold & Yurasitis LLP
Jeremiah Cash
Virginia Cieslicki
Jennifer Cohen
Cornerstone Advisors Asset Management, Inc.
Dennis Cullen
Trygve Dahl
Dun-Rite Electrical Services, Inc.
Jean Ealer
Easton Area High School  Key Club
Christopher Eckman
Evangelical Lutheran Church Of The Good Shepherd
Jay B. Fisher
James M. Follett
Robert Foltz
Forks United Church Of Christ
Antonia Grifo
Markus Hill
Margaret Hurley
Industrial Communications Co.
Jacobs Farm Community
Stephen Kerecman
John Kincaid
Kiwanis Club Of Palmer Township
Janice Komisor
Iris Koshar
Kressler, Wolff & Miller
Lafayette College Athletics Department
Noralee Manzek
MaryAnn Maza
Lara  E. McCauley
Barry J. Miles
Steven K. Moyer
Sandra Pinkerton
Bradley Quin
Mary Jane Riddle
Salvation Army
Stephen J. Schlegel
Thomas Schlegel
David Shoemaker
David Snyder
Soldier Fit Easton
Olga B. Soto-Moise
Edward Spitzer
St. Andrew's Evangelical Lutheran Church Women
St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry
The Goddard School
Triad Tool & Die Company Inc.
Unity Bank
Dolores Wahlgren
Salli Wood
Susan Woolley

$1,000-$2,499 donors

Sandra Adams
Alliance Architecture  LLC
Arndts Lutheran Church
Ashton Funeral Home
Debra Ashton-Chase
Robert J. Bergren
Boy Scouts Troop # 21
Boy Scouts Troop # 3
Brown-Daub Inc.
Diane Bryson
Regina Bryson
Jorge Buitrago
CLA (Clifton Larson Allen LLP)
Da Vinci Science Center
Thomas  A. Daub
W. John Daub
Robert Deckman
Joan Dicker
Easton Lions Club
Fidelity Bank
First Presbyterian Church Of Easton
First United Church Of Christ Of Easton
Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba  P.C.
Charles Fulton
Chris Gaither
Giant Supermarket / Via Lincs
John A. Gregor
Hof & Reid  LLC
Carol Hoff
Misty Holmes Dorsey
Patricia A. Jinks
Keystone Savings Foundation
Knights Of Columbus  No. 345
John C. Komisor
David Leber
Lehigh Gas Foundation
Donald Lockard
J. Ronald Martin
Daniel Mascarenhas
Aaron Master
Richard L. Master
Howard McGinn
Monocacy Farm Project
David Morris
Phantoms Charities
Mary Pierce
Clifford A. Reiter
Revival Fire Ministries Int'l.
Ross J. And Wendy G. Born Family Charitable Trust
Wendy Rotondo
Sea Glass Fine Art
Shafer Family Charitable Trust
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Of Wms Twsp
St. Paul's Third Lutheran Church
The Hayes Foundation
The Waldman Family Charitable Trust
The William H. And Pati A. Lehr Foundation
Linda Tretiak
Trinity Episcopal Church
United Fellowship Lutheran Church
Stephen Updegrove
Spencer Walters
WaWa Food Market (P'burg - Hwy 22)
WaWa Food Market (P'burg)
WaWa Food Market (Nazareth-Jandy Blvd # 8043)

$2,500-$4,999 donors

Alan S. Abraham
Boy Scouts Troops 25/2019
C. F. Martin And Co. Inc.
College Hill Presbyterian Church
Pat Corpora
William J. Dempster
Just Born, Inc.
Kaplan Early Learning Company
William Miles
Olive Garden
Palmer Moravian Community Church
Panera Bread Company
Jeanne W. Smith
Target Circle Guest-Directed Giving Program
The Richardson Foundation
Andrew S. Updegrove
WaWa Food Market (Nazareth)

$5,000-$9,999 donors

Charles F. Adams
American Bank
Brown-Daub Foundation
Community Services For Children  Inc. NE Regional
L. Anderson Daub
Easton Rotary Service Foundation
Jeanne Follett
Fulton Bank
Grocery Outlet
Hampton Inn
Kiwanis Foundation Of Easton Inc.
St. Luke's Hospital - Anderson Campus
Sylvia Perkin Charitable Trust
The Martin Guitar Charitable Foundation
The Metzger Family Foundation
UGI Utilities Inc.
WaWa Food Market (College Hill)

$10,000-$14,999 donors

Capital Advantage Insurance Company
Barbara Diamant
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
John And Margaret Post Foundation
MCS Industries Inc.
Paul And Sheila Steiner Charitable Lead Trust
United Concordia Companies Inc.

$15,000-$24,999 donors

Danny Cohen
Easton Area School District
Fidelity Bank
First Energy Foundation
St. Luke's University Health Network
Two Rivers Health and Wellness Foundation

$25,000 and above donors

Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation
Embassy Bank
Elaine Emrick
Don Follett
Second Harvest of the Lehigh Valley
The GIANT Company
thank you!
in honor of
Steven Goldstein
James Bedeaux
Laura Bachman
David B. Quinn
Bethanne Turner-Bonney
Emily Clary
Paul Adolf
Daniel E. Cohen
Alan S. Abraham
Mary Jane McAteer
Pat McCutcheon
Noel K. Lammers
Sandra Weiner
David Shafferman
Jeanne Anne Shafferman
Noa Louie Cooper
Sharon DiFelice
Terrence Tyree
Chelsea Emrick’s birthday
Dan Follett
Jeffrey Mohler
Judge Robert Freedberg
Eugene Giunta
Howard Gallup
Kathleen Trexler
Watson Hart’s Birthday
Karen Murray
Heritage day service
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Raymond Hetu
Fran and Graham Jarrett
John Loeser
Diane Hogan
Phil and Linda Klopp
Farrar and Thomas LAnnon
Jan Fitzgerald
Sizzle! 2022 Field Trip Transportation
Easton Area School District
Randy Stroever
Eileen Bogosian
Phillip Wiegand
Markus Hill
John Williamson
Valerie Marcantonio
helping people help themselves
helping people help themselves
helping people help themselves
helping people help themselves
helping people help themselves
helping people help themselves
helping people help themselves
helping people help themselves
helping people help themselves
helping people help themselves
in memory of
John Albus
William C. Heilman
Sherman Ames III
Elizabeth Ames
Alta, Gene, Helen, Michael,Bill, Tom & Sandra
Kathy Nassoor
Arthur Berg
Charles Bibleheimer Easton HS’52
David L. Frost
Gloria Boonswang, MD
Daniel Mascarenhas
Jack Bradt
Patricia Bradt
tj butler
Janice Komisor
Dorothy Cieslicki
Virginia Cieslicki
Douglas Collins Sr &Betty Miles
Barry J. Miles
Ann & William Dempster
Margaret Hurley
Tool & Die Company, Inc.
Ann BAin Dempster
William J. Dempster
Frank P. Dowling
Eileen Glickstein
Joyce Freeman
Robert Freeman
Father Forst
Susan K. Arnold
Steven Gould
Patricia Gould
Charles Staples
Paula Ballard
Uncle Clayton
MaryAnn Maza
Tom and Faye Heilman
William C. Heilman
John H. Hobart, MD
Joan Hobart
David W. Hoff
Carol Hoff
Richard Kendrick’s Birthday
Joyce L. Wallace
Thomas M. Kiley
Cathy Kiley
Anthony Lelli
Marla Kinney
Jayson Levin
Joshua  Seeherman
Sharon Litvin
Linda N. Arra
Herbert G. Litvin, Attorney At Law
Rev. Robert G. Macintyre
Gladys MacIntyre
Diane Martin
C. F. Martin And Co., Inc.
Dr. John Updegrove
Anonymous (4)
Judith Bauer
Brown-Daub Foundation
Roger J. Conners
Jay B. Fisher
James S.Flagg
Robert Foltz
William C. Heilman
George Hellick
Julie Anne Herman
Jeannie Joseph
Iris Koshar
Howard McGinn
John Mehler
Larry Palmer
Evan C. Reese
Mary Jane Riddle
Thomas Rosenbauer
Thomas Schlegel
Laura Schmidt
Roger E. Stricker
John J. Thomas
Andrew S. Updegrove
Stephen Updegrove
Lindsley D. Van der Veer
Dr. John and Ruby Updegrove
Updegrove Bivins, Nora
Colleen Supinski
William Rossi
Patricia McCutcheon
Anonymous (4)
Janice Aponavicius
Leah Bader
Rosie Bade
Deborah Chando
Judith Clovis
Daniel E. Cohen
Jessica Cohen
George Hellick
Judith Greco
Emily Guseman
Hobson Giving Fund
Marla Kinney
Janice Komisor
Virginia Kuertz
Margaret Magee
Mary Jane McAteer
Barbara McCutcheon
Gavin McCutcheon
Susan McCutcheon
Victoria Miller
Robert Root
Arrianna Scarponi
Mary C. Squarcia
Judith Stanczak
Carol A. Taylor
Linda Tretiak
David A. Turano
Julia Wheeler
Peter Mc Cabe, Educator and Friend
Natalie Mc Cabe
Caridad Moolchan
Janet Herr
Gary Reynolds
Barbara Reynolds
Elaine Rutherford
Harry A. Freebairn
Dave Gallagher
William Walters
Philip Scavo
James Schmidt
Schmidt Family
Naomi Smith
Gail Owens
Joan Speidel
Catherine Tiersten
Harriet K. Spilman
Harry A. Freebairn
June Tobias
Janice Komisor
Dawn Sutter
09 - the end
thank you for reading how
Project of Easton is
helping people
help themselves
If you would like to join along the
work we’re doing in our community,